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How To Win Scholarships Like You Digest Your Food

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How To Win Scholarships Like You Digest Your Food

 Digestion of food is easy. You have no hand in it.  The body does that for you by itself.

And this is why you want to know how to win a scholarship as easily as the body digests food by itself.

After you’ve swallowed, everything else—from the movement of the food down your throat all through to its absorption into your bloodstream—is auto-handled by your body. And you know what? Your body has been successful at digesting food most of the time, or you wouldn’t be alive today!

Your body has been digesting food before you even started eating! And when you started eating real hard food and in large amount, it made no difference. Your body has been digesting it all the same. What Is Emotional Intelligence and Why Does It Matter to Students?


Now imagine that you can apply for as many scholarships as you want, and need not fret, because you are certain that the scholarships will be awarded to you. That is to say, you will win nearly all the scholarships you applied for. You rest assured of their approval as you rest assured of the digestion of the food you eat.


Rejoice, for you’re about to see what you seek. I will show you how.


This is the very path taken by people who have won scholarships. And if you have ever won one, well, unbeknown to you, this is the very path you took. If you apply for scholarships like you eat your food, your approval will come as easy as digestion.


It’s much about patterns.


Inventors of aeroplane modelled their craft after birds. It has been successful. The same with boats—modelled after fishes. Many other man-made systems have been very successful because they mimicked a pattern in nature.

Surely, this too will pull off.

Digestion Depends on Three Things – How To Win Scholarships

It’s true that digestion occurs on its own accord, but you do have to provide the body with the food. This is where your effort is required.

There are certain things you must do: such as getting the food and putting it in your mouth. Most of the time, you also have to chew the food, and chew very well, and then swallow. And then you must learn to rest for a while after eating, else you disturb the food you just ate, thereby causing yourself trouble.

These are the inputs you make in order to have proper digestion of your food.

But they are no big deals. In fact, you are normally inclined to do them. You actually do them without thinking. You do them instinctively.


Let’s look at them in summary. Digestion depends on:

  1. What you choose to eat (Did you ingest what your body wants or what it detests?)
  2. What happens in your mouth (Did you masticate very well or hurriedly swallowed?)
  3. What you do after eating (Did you rest a while or go into energetic activity at once?)


Scholarship Depends on Three Things

When you have submitted your application for scholarship, the application goes through some stages (scrutiny, time, and places) which will determine its fate. You may not necessarily be invited into each of those stages. Or, you will not see the behind-the-scenes of those stages that would determine your outcome.


It is much like when you have swallowed your food. The food goes through different organs which will process it until it comes to the form ready to be absorbed into the bloodstream, if successful. The unfortunate food becomes a waste—and that’s why we build conveniences, else it might become harmful to you.


So you want to make sure you play your part very well. And it’s easy.


Like digestion, successful scholarship depends on three things:

  1. Your pre-application efforts
  2. Your application efforts
  3. Your post-application efforts


Let’s deconstruct all that.


  1. Your Pre-Application Efforts – How To Win Scholarships

Neither too-hot nor too-cold food is good for you. You will be disappointed with the effect of such in your mouth.


The same is true about consuming spoilt food, or unripe fruit, or hard food, and so on.


They will not digest well; rather would do you hurt.


In similar sense, you don’t want to apply for scholarships that are not tailored to your goals and your qualifications. Applying for just any and every scholarship is a recipe for frustration. Without checking if they truly fit your career goals and if you truly meet the criteria, you will only earn yourself much discouragement and disillusionment by such applications.


Mistakes you want to avoid include:

  • Applying for a PhD, for example, because of the mouth-watering offer of the scholarship, whereas all you have is an undergraduate degree.
  • Applying for a scholarship that requires a background different from what you have.
  • Applying for a scholarship that has passed deadline.
  • Applying for a scholarship you hate the country of its institution.


So check what you’ve got.


  1. Your Application (or Pre-Submission) Efforts – How To Win Scholarships

Digestion has to do with breaking down large molecules of nutrients into simple forms for the body to use. This is chemical digestion. Only chemically digested food are profitable for assimilation.


But there is also physical digestion. And this is where most food begins. It happens in the mouth.


Physical digestion involves breaking down the food physically by:

  • chewing (mastication)
  • softening the food with water and saliva
  • releasing enzymes on it by saliva
  • rolling it with the tongue for easy swallow
  • the swallow proper

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In the same vein, this is what the application effort is about.


You have found the right scholarship for you, but your application won’t be honoured except you make it suitable. You do this by following the instructions strictly and promptly.


Treat the application process like you treat the food in your mouth:

  • Don’t be in a haste to swallow (to submit) but don’t also hold it too long in your mouth (computer) either.
  • Chew very well, that is, fill the forms very well and carefully, leaving no stone unturned.
  • Supply generously with saliva (that is, all documents, information, and all other requirements).
  • Roll with your tongue. That is, cross-check your application before submitting. Check for all kinds of errors. Employ a second (professional) eye to help you check it very well.
  • Observe table manners and eat at the right time. That is, do not do your application amidst distractions or lack of concentration.
  • Swallow! Once you are done, satisfactorily done, submit at once. Do not be deterred by fear, doubt, perfectionism, or procrastination. Submit it and let heaven order its outcome.


  1. Your Post-Submission Efforts – How To Win Scholarships

Try doing acrobatics as soon as you’ve consumed a whole bowl of food. Oh, no, please don’t. You can get harmed doing that. The swallowed food might return into your nose or some sensitive organ. Moreover, you will notice that you are too heavy for the energetic moves. So you want rest a while before attempting the activities.

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In much same sense, you do not go bothering the organisation as soon as you’ve applied and done all you were asked to do. You might come across as annoying by doing so, or even worse, deemed as uncultured or having ulterior motive other than the scholarship.


Take a few weeks off before contacting the people again while constantly checking your mail.


Another thing:

Do not go sharing everywhere that you’ve won the scholarship whereas you have yet to receive the letter. This might ruin your expectations in ways you can’t envisage.


You should rather go on other useful engagements such as:

  • learning a foreign language
  • finding other scholarship openings
  • meeting other people who are headed your direction
  • preparing for your journey
  • and other exciting endeavours


So Simple As Digestion

Now you have it. Follow these simple yet profound rules, and before long, your scholarships will come to you—as easily as digestion.


Our website is replete with all sorts of scholarship opportunities: undergraduates, internships, Master’s, PhDs, Research, and so on.


Or are you on the process already or confused and need some help? It is part of why we exist. We’re only an email or a call away. We help people over their obstacles on their pursuit of scholarships and overseas study.


You’re welcome.

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